The science

Our REACHhealth digital platform is governed by an active and ongoing programme of formal clinical validation.

We teamed up with the University of Nottingham and analysed the data of half a million UK adults followed up over eight years to analyse and quantify the specific health value of changes in lifestyle behaviours.

A wealth of data from over
UK adults over 8 years

Health assessment

Our health assessments have been developed in partnership with the University of Nottingham and Oxford University using advanced modelling of gold standard databases such as the UK Biobank.

The resulting accuracy of our health scores makes our health assessments some of the most accurate in the world and comparable with other internationally recognised assessments used in clinical and public health settings.

Health content

All health-related content provided by our risk assessments is evidence-based and aligned with all appropriate clinical and public health guidelines issued by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence. This ensures that the quality of the health interpretation, information and advice is maintained at the highest level in terms of relevance and accuracy.

Health behaviour change

Our wide range of behaviour change interventions are developed in line with the internationally renowned COM-B behaviour change model developed by University College London. We use the same model to create a behavioural profile of each user that optimises the way in which we interact with them in order to maximise their chances of success in achieving their health goals.

Our award winning health platform

REACHhealth is our engaging and insightful digital health and wellbeing improvement platform underpinned by years of academic research and clinical validation.


The latest scientific research, statistics and reports identify the health and clinical needs of differing groups.


Strong focus on the creation of targeted, engaging and innovative content, using the best of digital tools to promote long term participation.

Achieve Change

Insight and analysis of data presented through monthly reports demonstrate Return on Investment (ROI) from both an economic and societal perspective.

It's time to help people discover their own road to health and wellbeing